- I knew Kimi's former karting mechanic from his karting-times, the singer reveals.
Wiskari organised a private gig for Räikkönen. There he sang all the songs.
- Kimi is a damn nice guy.
Räikkönen made his debut on 'Sorateiden Sankarit' -music video that was shot in Nuuksio for 4-5 hours.
- Kimi delivered it home. Kimi is used to let loose, it didn't demand much practice for that, Arttu laughs.
It's been almost two months since Wiskari's debut cd was published. He ran straight away to the shops to see if it would even sell somewhere.
- It wasn't yet on the shelfs in Anttila. I went later to Prisma. The feeling was unbelievable, I just looked at it. I didn't buy it.
Wiskari had the same evening his debut gig in restaurant Le Bonk, which was packed with people. In the concert people sang along with the songs - some tears even flooded during the son Tuntematon potilas (Unknown patient).
At the moment Tuntematon potilas is the most played song on the radio lists and the cd sold gold within two weeks from when it was released. So far it has sold 15.000 albums.
- We have been tweaking this for many years and you can never be sure of what will touch. Due to this song many have found a mutual touching ground, the singer thinks.
Originally the song is about Wiskari's grandfather, who died of dementia. Many have been able to deal with the feelings of letting go through the song.
Despite the success of the song Tuntematon potilas, Mökkitie (cottage road) is still Wiskari's favorite song, because it was made without any aids.
- There's been a lot of luck involved in this, the stars were in the right position.
Wiskari's life has changed a lot during the last two months.
Earlier nobody recognised him, now many do. Also they have more gigs and the man has had time to be in his real job as iron-salesman only for four days. All weekends are booked for the rest of the year and they are also planning on releasing a new album in the end of year 2012.
In the midst of success Arttu keeps Grandma's words as his guideline:
- Grandma always said that 'keep your voice and your head to yourself'.
Here is the video with Kimi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXemDBfP4Js
Source: Ilta-Sanomat, paper edition
Courtesy: Nicole
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