Monday, July 11, 2011

Sebastian Vettel F1 Blog: Silverstone | 'Could have been better'

On the face of it, a second and third place for Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber is a good result, but is Seb entirely satisfied with his British Grand Prix? The world champion reveals all in his latest blog

by Sebastian Vettel on Jul 11, 2011

Hello everyone!

One thing is clear this morning: the race could have been better. But I don’t like to get into the "what if?" scenarios, so I’m reasonably happy with second place.

My second pit stop wasn't anywhere near perfect, but these things can happen. All I saw was that something wasn't fixed properly on my left back wheel and the guys had to pull the car back in to fix it. That's where we lost our precious time.

By the time I was back on the track there was a big gap between me and the guys in front. All I could do was put the pedal to the metal and come as close as I could. A bit more rain might have helped me because that's where I felt most comfortable, but second place is OK.

'We'll make sure that it won't happen again'

We know we made a mistake and we'll make sure that it won't happen again. The worst thing that we can do is to let a mistake get to us so we’ll just move on and keep on working hard.

The fact that the car was so fast and reliable is a bonus, but it won't affect the way we'll approach the next races. You need to prove yourself on every single track and when you’re racing, the last result doesn't matter.

I've said it before, the most important thing for we drivers is to make sure discussions and talk coming from outside the garage doesn’t distract us from the one thing that should always be our focus: racing.

I'll talk to you from Germany!

All the best,


Source: Red Bull

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